Enabling this feature can sometimes dramatically increase the quality of your fonts. Improving the font quality in Windows 98, Windows ME, and Windows 2000īy default, Microsoft Windows has smooth fonts disabled. Verify your computer has the latest drivers for the video card.How to view or change the screen resolution of a monitor.The appearance of a font can be improved by increasing your video resolution.We recommend you utilize the standard method, but some users may find it better to use ClearType. Verify that the Use the below method to smooth edges of screen fonts box is checked.To adjust or change settings in this feature, follow the steps below. This program allows you to improve the quality of how text looks on your screen.īy default, Microsoft Windows XP has smooth fonts enabled, however, adjusting this setting can sometimes help improve the look and quality of your text. This action opens the Windows ClearType Text Tuner program, which should resemble the example picture below.In the search and run box, type cttune.exe and press Enter.Click Start or press the Windows key on the keyboard.However, if you want to customize the text even more, you can run the ClearType Text Tuner by following the steps below. Improving the font quality in Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10īy default, Microsoft Windows Vista and 7 have ClearType enabled. Windows 98, Windows ME, and Windows 2000.